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Drama Diagnostic Features | Third Party Evaluations

Third Parties:

The Group Administrator may invite any number of third parties to evaluate a user. Invitations may be entered directly, one-at-a-time, or from a file or spreadsheet. The Drama Diagnostic allows seven different relationship types for third parties. The Group Administrator assigns a type to each invited third party. The Group Administrator may also change the names of the types. An example individual invitation is shown below:

A third party receives an email from the Group Administrator explaining the Drama Diagnostic and inviting the third party to evaluate a specific user.

The invitation email to the third party contains a unique Internet address for evaluating an individual user. To begin the assessment of the user, the third party simply clicks on the Internet address.

A third party may evaluate a user any number of times. Only the most recent assessment is stored in the system.

The third party assessment consists of several statements about a user. For each statement the third party must select one of five options. For example:

The third party may also enter comments about the user�s interaction skills�where the user shows strong, interactions skills and where the user needs to improve his or her interaction skills.

After a third party evaluates a user a report is produced, either on-screen or as a PDF, summarizing the third party�s assessment of the user.